Positive reinforcement in dog training can go by many names, most of which are valid and worthy: reward-based training, science-based training, force-free or pain-free training, etc. Regardless of the terminology, the general theory behind this line of thinking remains the same...
What is Positive Reinforcement?
Positive reinforcement in dog training refers to the action of rewarding your dog (with praise, play, food or toys, etc.) when s/he responds to you or offers an action or a behaviour that you like, which in turn means that the behaviour is likely to be repeated. In essence, your dog learns that good things happen to him when s/he does the thing you like!
Positive reinforcement teaching techniques use non confrontational methods to work a dog’s brain to reward positive behaviour, establishing rituals and training actions that are incompatible with negative behaviour, and lessening a dog’s anger and frustration – all while enabling the dog to feel good inside. If you reinforce a dog’s desirable behaviours, there is less of a chance that s/he will indulge in other behaviours that you do not like. Decision making is influenced without the use of force, and the dog’s trust in the owner is not violated through threatening treatment.
How positive reinforcement can strengthen your relationship
Using positive techniques to change undesirable behaviour requires that you first determine the cause of the behaviour and then figure out how to modify and change it by giving the dog the ability to learn and feel differently. People learn to connect with their dogs and work through problems in a humane manner – strengthening the relationship by fostering mutual trust, providing affection, and encouraging cooperation. Increasing a dog’s enjoyment of social interaction gives the dog what she needs to deal with the pressures of domestic life. Dogs that are taught using positive reinforcement methods are more tolerant, self-controlled and behave much more predictably in different situations.
It is vitally important that you give your dog the opportunities and tools s/he needs to live successfully in your strange human world. A dog that is given consistent guidance from an early age grows up to be a confident dog. Education brings security, security brings confidence, and a confident dog has no need to show anxiety-based behaviours.
The strongest relationships between dogs and humans are based on cooperation and kindness, rather than on human dominance and animal submission. If you choose to use positive techniques when building a relationship with your dog, you will be on your way to establishing and maintaining a connection that increases trust and results in a stronger, healthier bond between you. Put simply, if your dog feels good about you, she will be happier, confident, better behaved, and more inclined to respond to you when you ask them to do something.
How to use positive reinforcement in dog training
The process of changing a dog’s behaviour using positive reinforcement relies first and foremost on understanding and patience; it takes consistency, repetition, and following this general roadmap:
Investigate WHY your dog is doing what s/he is doing. You cannot effectively deal with a behaviour unless you know the root cause.
Understand Once you know why, then you can ask yourself how to treat the behaviour. To do this, it is vitally important you understand your dog.
Learn Figure out how to communicate clearly. Effective two-way communication increases the bond between you.
Motivate Find what motivates your dog and use this while teaching. Rewards in the form of food, toys, praise, or play are powerful, but every dog is different, so find out what motivates your dog the most.
Be kind Never hit, scream at, or yank your dog. Do not combat fear with more fear - recognize your dog’s concerns, then slowly and gently help her overcome them.
Slow down Go very slowly when dealing with anxiety-related behaviours.
Be consistent Everyone in your dog's life must be on the same page and provide consistency in training, expectations and reactions. If one person lets your dog on the couch and someone else does not, she will get confused.
Be patient Just like with humans, the more significant the behaviour issue, the longer it can take to develop a solution. Stay the course and always remember that the power of positive training is the right choice in all situations, no matter what the issue.
Get Help & Support
If you would like support to master positive reinforcement in training, All Positive Dog Services offer a variety of services to suit different ages, needs and all using positive training methods.